tiêng Viêt


Civil Society and Social Movements in East Asia (2012)

Bài giảng chung Nhật Hàn (Trường đại học Tokyo=Trường đại học Seoul) qua hệ thống hội nghị truyền hình
【Giảng viên】 KAGE Rieko (Trường đại học Tokyo), KONG Sukki (Trường đại học Seoul)
【Thời gian】 Từ ngày 13 tháng 4 đến ngày mồng 1 tháng 6 năm 2012 (Thứ 6, 15:00-18:00)
【Địa điểm】 Phòng giảng từ xa, tầng 4, Tòa giáo dục thông tin tại Đại học Tokyo

【Ngôn ngữ】 Tiếng Anh
【Đối tượng】 Sinh viên năm thứ 3, năm thứ 4 và các lưu học sinh chương trình AIKOM

Class Schedule

2012.4.13(fri) Course Overview / Introduction to Korean Civil Society

-Lipschutz, Ronnie D. (ed.) 2006. Civil Society and Social Movements. UK: Ashgate. Introduction.

- Tarrow, Sidney. 2001. “Rooted Cosmopolitans: Transnational Activists in a World of States,” Ithaca, NY: Cornell Workshop on Transnational Contention.

- Armstrong, Charles K. 2007. Korean Society: Civil Society, Democracy and the State. Florence, KY, Routledge.Chapter 5 & 7

- Koo, Hagen (ed.) 1993. State and Society in Contemporary Korea. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Chapter 1, 2, 4 & 7

- Kim, Sunhyuk. 2000. The Politics of Democratization in Korea-The Role of Civil Society. Pittsburgh, PA, The University of Pittsburgh Press. Chapter 5-7. Pp. 77-150

- Kim, Kyong-Dong (ed.) 2008. Social Change in Korea. Seoul: Jipmoondang. Pp. 196-279

2012.4.20(fri) Introduction to Japanese Civil Society

- Pekkanen, Robert 2003. “Molding Japanese Civil Society: State-Structured Incentives and the Patterning of Civil Society,” in Frank J. Schwartz and Susan J. Pharr, eds. The State of Civil Society in Japan. New York: Cambridge University Press, 116-134.

- Haddad, Mary Alice 2006. “Civic Responsibility and Patterns of Volunteering around the World,”Comparative Political Studies, vol. 39, no. 10: 1220-1242.

- Tsujinaka, Yutaka 2003. “From Developmentalism to Maturity: Japan’s Civil Society in Comparative Perspective,” in Frank J. Schwartz and Susan J. Pharr, eds. The State of Civil Society in Japan. New York: Cambridge University Press, 83-115.

2012.4.27(fri) Contemporary Issues in Korean Civil Society

- Lim, Hyun-Chin and Suk-Ki Kong "Threats or Leverage for Korean Civil Society in Contesting Globalization" in Markus Pohlmann/ Yang, Jonghoe/ Lee, Jong-Hee (eds.) Citizenship and Migration in Europe and Asia: The Flow of Migrants and the perception of Citizenship, Germany: Springer.

- Shin, Gi-Wook and Paul Chang. 2011. South Korean Social Movements: From Democracy to Civil Society, Routledge. Chapter 12, & 14. The Korean Gay and Lesbian Movement 1993-2008: From "Identity" and "Community" to "Human Rights" (by Hyun-young Kwon Kim and John Cho)
Left Out: People’s Solidarity for Social Progress and the Evolution of Minjung After Authoritarianism, (by Alice S. Kim)download(5.2MB)

2012.5.11(fri) Contemporary Issues in Japanese Civil Society

- Haddad, Mary Alice 2011. “A State-in-Society Approach to the Nonprofit Sector: Welfare Services inJapan,” Voluntas, vol. 22, no. 1: 26-47.download(227KB)

- Aldrich, Daniel P. 2007. Site Fights: Divisive Facilities and Civil Society in Japan and the West. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, ch. 5: 119-151.download(5.8MB)

- Song, Jiyeoun forthcoming. “Economic Distress, Labor Market Reforms, and Dualism in Japan and Korea,”Governance.download(258KB)

2012.5.18(fri) Collaboration between Korean and Japanese Civil Society

- Khagram, Sanjeev, James Riker and Kathryn Sikkink (eds.) 2002. Restructuring World Politics: Transnational Social Movements, Networks, and Norms, Minnesota: The University of Minnesota Press.download(4MB)

- Keck, Margaret and Kathryn Sikkink 1998. Activists Beyond Borders. Chapter 1: 1-38.download(7.4MB)

- Kong, Suk-Ki. 2012. “Politics of Cosmopolitan Citizenship: The Korean Engagement in the Global Justice Movements.” Citizenship Studies. Vol. 16 (Feb. 2012)download(134KB)

2012.5.25(fri) One more week on Collaboration between Korean and Japanese Civil Society?

- Lee, Sook Jong Lee and Celeste Arrington 2008. “The Politics of NGOs and Democratic - Governance in South Korea and Japan,” Pacific Focus, vol. 23, no. 1: 75-96.download(157KB)

- Aldrich, Daniel P. 2011. “The Power of the People: Social Capital’s Recovery from the 1995 Kobe Earthquake,” Natural Hazards, vol. 56, no. 3: 595-611.download(258KB)

- Arrington, Celeste 2010. “State Accountability and Responsiveness to Citizen Distress Movements in South Korea and Japan,” Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC [Note: Pending author approval]

2012.6.1(fri) Wrap-Up: “Towards a Rooted Cosmopolitan” in a Globalizing

-Tarrow, S. (2001). Rooted Cosmopolitans: Transnational Activists in a World of States. Ithaca, NY, Cornell Workshop on Transnational Contention.download(1MB)

| Projects | Hội nghị sinh viên ba nước Nhật-Trung-Hàn | Civil Society and Social Movements in East Asia (2012)
tiêng Viêt

Hội nghị sinh viên ba nước Nhật-Trung-Hàn

Civil Society and Social Movements in East Asia (2012)

Bài giảng chung Nhật Hàn (Trường đại học Tokyo=Trường đại học Seoul) qua hệ thống hội nghị truyền hình
【Giảng viên】 KAGE Rieko (Trường đại học Tokyo), KONG Sukki (Trường đại học Seoul)
【Thời gian】 Từ ngày 13 tháng 4 đến ngày mồng 1 tháng 6 năm 2012 (Thứ 6, 15:00-18:00)
【Địa điểm】 Phòng giảng từ xa, tầng 4, Tòa giáo dục thông tin tại Đại học Tokyo

【Ngôn ngữ】 Tiếng Anh
【Đối tượng】 Sinh viên năm thứ 3, năm thứ 4 và các lưu học sinh chương trình AIKOM

Class Schedule

2012.4.13(fri) Course Overview / Introduction to Korean Civil Society

-Lipschutz, Ronnie D. (ed.) 2006. Civil Society and Social Movements. UK: Ashgate. Introduction.

- Tarrow, Sidney. 2001. “Rooted Cosmopolitans: Transnational Activists in a World of States,” Ithaca, NY: Cornell Workshop on Transnational Contention.

- Armstrong, Charles K. 2007. Korean Society: Civil Society, Democracy and the State. Florence, KY, Routledge.Chapter 5 & 7

- Koo, Hagen (ed.) 1993. State and Society in Contemporary Korea. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Chapter 1, 2, 4 & 7

- Kim, Sunhyuk. 2000. The Politics of Democratization in Korea-The Role of Civil Society. Pittsburgh, PA, The University of Pittsburgh Press. Chapter 5-7. Pp. 77-150

- Kim, Kyong-Dong (ed.) 2008. Social Change in Korea. Seoul: Jipmoondang. Pp. 196-279

2012.4.20(fri) Introduction to Japanese Civil Society

- Pekkanen, Robert 2003. “Molding Japanese Civil Society: State-Structured Incentives and the Patterning of Civil Society,” in Frank J. Schwartz and Susan J. Pharr, eds. The State of Civil Society in Japan. New York: Cambridge University Press, 116-134.

- Haddad, Mary Alice 2006. “Civic Responsibility and Patterns of Volunteering around the World,”Comparative Political Studies, vol. 39, no. 10: 1220-1242.

- Tsujinaka, Yutaka 2003. “From Developmentalism to Maturity: Japan’s Civil Society in Comparative Perspective,” in Frank J. Schwartz and Susan J. Pharr, eds. The State of Civil Society in Japan. New York: Cambridge University Press, 83-115.

2012.4.27(fri) Contemporary Issues in Korean Civil Society

- Lim, Hyun-Chin and Suk-Ki Kong "Threats or Leverage for Korean Civil Society in Contesting Globalization" in Markus Pohlmann/ Yang, Jonghoe/ Lee, Jong-Hee (eds.) Citizenship and Migration in Europe and Asia: The Flow of Migrants and the perception of Citizenship, Germany: Springer.

- Shin, Gi-Wook and Paul Chang. 2011. South Korean Social Movements: From Democracy to Civil Society, Routledge. Chapter 12, & 14. The Korean Gay and Lesbian Movement 1993-2008: From "Identity" and "Community" to "Human Rights" (by Hyun-young Kwon Kim and John Cho)
Left Out: People’s Solidarity for Social Progress and the Evolution of Minjung After Authoritarianism, (by Alice S. Kim)download(5.2MB)

2012.5.11(fri) Contemporary Issues in Japanese Civil Society

- Haddad, Mary Alice 2011. “A State-in-Society Approach to the Nonprofit Sector: Welfare Services inJapan,” Voluntas, vol. 22, no. 1: 26-47.download(227KB)

- Aldrich, Daniel P. 2007. Site Fights: Divisive Facilities and Civil Society in Japan and the West. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, ch. 5: 119-151.download(5.8MB)

- Song, Jiyeoun forthcoming. “Economic Distress, Labor Market Reforms, and Dualism in Japan and Korea,”Governance.download(258KB)

2012.5.18(fri) Collaboration between Korean and Japanese Civil Society

- Khagram, Sanjeev, James Riker and Kathryn Sikkink (eds.) 2002. Restructuring World Politics: Transnational Social Movements, Networks, and Norms, Minnesota: The University of Minnesota Press.download(4MB)

- Keck, Margaret and Kathryn Sikkink 1998. Activists Beyond Borders. Chapter 1: 1-38.download(7.4MB)

- Kong, Suk-Ki. 2012. “Politics of Cosmopolitan Citizenship: The Korean Engagement in the Global Justice Movements.” Citizenship Studies. Vol. 16 (Feb. 2012)download(134KB)

2012.5.25(fri) One more week on Collaboration between Korean and Japanese Civil Society?

- Lee, Sook Jong Lee and Celeste Arrington 2008. “The Politics of NGOs and Democratic - Governance in South Korea and Japan,” Pacific Focus, vol. 23, no. 1: 75-96.download(157KB)

- Aldrich, Daniel P. 2011. “The Power of the People: Social Capital’s Recovery from the 1995 Kobe Earthquake,” Natural Hazards, vol. 56, no. 3: 595-611.download(258KB)

- Arrington, Celeste 2010. “State Accountability and Responsiveness to Citizen Distress Movements in South Korea and Japan,” Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC [Note: Pending author approval]

2012.6.1(fri) Wrap-Up: “Towards a Rooted Cosmopolitan” in a Globalizing

-Tarrow, S. (2001). Rooted Cosmopolitans: Transnational Activists in a World of States. Ithaca, NY, Cornell Workshop on Transnational Contention.download(1MB)