동아시아 4대학 포럼 학생 페널을 개최하였습니다.
일시:2012년 2월 20-21일
장소:도쿄대학 고마바 캠퍼스
주제:"What is the role of a university?
~from the perspective of students and the society~"
동아시아 4대학 포럼을 개최하였습니다.
일시:2011년 10월 10-12일
장소:도쿄대학 고마바 캠퍼스
주제:Integration of Knowledge-The Role of Universities in an Age of Advanced Technology and Globalization-
October 10(mon)
18:00‐20:00 | Welcome Party(hosted by Dean of the Graduate school of Arts and Sciences) |
October 11(tue)
09:30‐12:00 | Presidents’ Forum(in 4 languages) Place:Komaba Centre for Education Excellence(Lecture Hall)
14:00‐17:30 | Plenary Session “Integration of Knowledge-The Role of Universities in an Age of Advanced Technology and Globalisation-” (in 4 languages)
Place:Komaba Centre for Education Excellence(Lecture Hall)
October 12(wed)
09:30‐11:30 | General Education Seminar“Classical Education”(in 4 languages)
Place:Building 18 Collaboration Room1
12:30‐14:30 | General Education Seminar“English Education”(in English)
Place:Building 18 Collaboration Room1