EALAI東京大学 東アジア・リベラルアーツ・イニシアティブ


Japanese Economy and Business in Asia (2012)



  This course is intended for students who want to understand Japanese economy and business. It will cover various topics such as Japanese economic development, Japanese corporate systems, Japan's economic relationship with Vietnam, the role of the government in Japan, comparative studies on business practices. The course is jointly held by University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi and The University of Tokyo. The classrooms of those universities are connected with each other by the video conference system, and students of each university can listen to the lecture held in the other university and discuss with each other.

【担当教官】 清水剛 (東京大学)、 Nguyễn Anh Thu (ベトナム国家大学ハノイ校)
【講義日時】 月曜日 15:00-17:00 (ハノイでは13:00-15:00)
【講義教室】 情報教育棟4階 遠隔講義室
【使用言語】 英語
【講義形式】 講義
【提出課題】 中間レポートと最終レポート
【対象学生】 学部3・4年生

【受講者用HP】 http://www.dalt.komex.c.u-tokyo.ac.jpealai-electure/index.php/
         2012 Summer: VNU&UT E-Lecture参照


09 Apr Japanese Economic Development (Shimizu)
      - Overview of Japanese Economy
      - History of Japanese Economic Development
      - Experience of the Great Depression

16 Apr Comparison of Processes of Economic Development (Shimizu)
      - Processes of Economic Development
      - Common features of East Asian economies
      - Role of business organizations

23 Apr Japanese Corporate Systems I (Shimizu)
      - Formation of Japanese Corporate Systems after WWII
      - Employment system
      - Financial system

07 May Japanese Corporate Systems II (Shimizu)
      - Governance system (Zaibatsus and corporate groups)
      - Supplier system
      - Government - business relationships

10 May Reality of Japanese Companies (Shimizu)
      - Business customs of Japanese companies
      - Features of Japanese companies
      - How can we understand these companies?

14 May Japanese companies in Asia (Shimizu)
      - Trade and FDIs of Japanese companies
      - Japan's FTA and BIT policy
      - Influence of FTAs/BITs on business activities

17 May Vietnamese Trade and FDI (Nguyen)

21 May  Vietnamese Trade with Japan (Nguyen)

24 May  Comparison of Economies and Business Systems in East Asia (Shimizu)
      - Possibility of comparative corporate systems
      - Comparison of economic activities in East Asian economy

28 May  FDI of Japan in Vietnam (Nguyen)
