
Forum and intensive lectures at Nanjing University

Special Lecture for thought of Representative Culture at Nanjing University 2006

Date: February 28- March 15, 2006
Place: Nanjing University


February 28,
Pre Event “Workshop for Noh” Nanjing city cosponsor event Plum Blossom Festival
Lecture: (Kanze liu) SEKINE Shoroku, SEKINE Shoto

March 8,
KARIMA Fumitoshi, Professor of The University of Tokyo
“Lord and possibility of Film —theory of Cheng Kaige”

March 9,
SAKAI Tetsuya, Professor of The University of Tokyo
“Phase of Asianism and social solidarity —focus on Taisho socialism’s theoretical range”

March 10,
NOZAKI Kan, Associate Professor of The University of Tokyo “Film and City —Wong Kawai’s place”

March 13,
QING Fei, Professor of The University of Tokyo “Plum Blossom and representation”
SAITO Mareshi, Professor of The University of Tokyo “Life of Chinese Classics —from Classical style to New style”

March 14,
SATO Yoshiaki, Professor of The University of Tokyo “The end of heavy industry person —theory of 60’s rock culture”

March 15,
TANAKA Jun, Associate professor of the University of Tokyo “Representation of City in Photograph”