

2005 Winter Term
“The Public Sphere in East Asia”

Major point of lectures

For East Asia and world future, there is importance of life or death that they will be make various arguments in free or not in these area. For example, China is now expecting country both name and reality has problem that they cannot make smooth communication with nearby and other countries people. Japan and Korea has already institutionalized the liberal democracy, and now the relation between politics and mass media (IT) is changing. What is the point of possibility and assignments in this situation?
In these lectures we look at the history and status of public sphere in East Asia at first, and then we will have appearance of representative intellectuals who are doing various efforts and devices in scene from Japan, China and Korea.
We hope you that who will forge the future of Asia and world may have the experience by talk and discuss with them.


October 7, 2005 Introduction
Guidance: MITANI Hiroshi (三谷博), the University of Tokyo

October 14, Lecture 1: JI Weidong (季衛東), Kobe University “make to public by the law –status of Chinese society and aspects of the statement in country ruled by law”

October 21, Lecture 2: Ji Weidong (季衛東), Kobe University “Trial as opinion forum –direction of design of institutional arrangements and judicial reform in China”

October 28, Lecture 3: XU Jilin (許紀霖), East China Normal University “Discussion space in modern China”

November 4, Lecture 4: XU Jilin (許紀霖), East China Normal University “Intellectuals and space in public under modern China”

November 11, Lecture 5: WANG Hui (汪暉), Tsing hua University / MURATA Yujiro, the University of Tokyo
“Environmental movement and people’s participation in China – Take opposition movement for construction on dams in Jinsha-jiang and Hutiao-xiao for example”

November 18, Lecture 6: WANG Hui (汪暉), Tsing hua University “What is 「国退民進」(state enterprise go into a decline and approve private companies)in China? -take some state enterprise of spinning for instance ”

December 2, Lecture 7: DINH Van Huong, Vietnam National University “The mass communication system in Vietnam today”

December 9, Lecture 8: DINH Van Huong, Vietnam National University“Newspaper and public opinion in Vietnam”

December 16, Lecture 9: CHOI Jangjip (崔章集), Korea University “Political constitution and transition after the democratization in Korea”

January 13, Lecture 10: 2006, HAYASHI Kaori (林香里), The University of Tokyo “What regulate the public in Japan –the limit of a public in Japan ”

January 27, Lecture 11: HYUN Moo-am玄武岩/ MITANI Hiroshi (三谷博) ”Internet speech and civil society in Korea – comparing internet culture between Japan and Korea ”

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